My name is Masha Shugrina. I created this website to make my research on color, developed during my PhD at the University of Toronto, available to all. Please be patient if things are not perfect and report any bugs. You can find out more about me and my research on shumash.com.
Color Sandbox Playground allows creating color palettes that go beyond swatches and allow experimenting with gradients and three-color blends and applying them to a vector graphic. This interface was presented at CHI 2019 as "Color Builder". You can save and share these palettes in the cloud, and make them public in the Palettes Library.
Color Sandbox Recolor section includes a preliminary demo of image and region recoloring by manipulating a nonlinear three-color blend fit to best approximate the input image. This work showcases a project published at SIGGRAPH 2020 as "Color Triads", and pre-printed on arxiv as "Color Sails". The current demo allows experimenting with nonlinear blending behavior for recoloring of several images. We are working on making this interface accept any input artwork.
A Note on Compatibility: This works best with Chrome. Even within the same browser, experience for non-standard features can vary greatly. For example, to get the system color chooser on Mac OS X, please follow these instructions.